Psychology 9-1 GCSE -
2.2.2 - Peterson and Peterson (1959) Short-term retention of individual verbal items:
Aims -
To investigate the duration of short term memory. To test if information that is not rehearsed is lost quickly from short term memory.
Procedure -
A lab experiment in which 24 participants had to recall meaningless three consonant syllables. They were presented one at a time and had to be recalled after intervals of 3,6,9,12 or 18 seconds. They were also asked to count backwards in three or fours to prevent rehearsal.
Results -
There was a rapid increase in forgetting as the time delay increased.
Conclusions -
Short-term memory has a limited duration of about 18 seconds when rehersal is prevented. If a person is not allowed to rehearse the information will not transfer to their long term memory store.
Strengths -
- It supports the multistore model of memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin 1969).
- Results are easily proven to be accurate to a degree.
Weaknesses -
- Lacks mundane realism as they used artificial stimuli.
- Only considered short-term memory duration.
- Only tested on one type of stimuli.
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