Psychology 9-1 GCSE -
2.1.5 Understand the structure and process of memory through
the Multi-store Model of Memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin,
1968), including strengths and weaknesses of the theory:
Multistore-model of memory -

a) Sensory register -
- Duration is 1/4 to 1/2 a second.
- Capacity is all sensory experience.
- Encoding is sense specific.
- This is where you register the environmental input.
b) The capacity of short term memory -
STM (short term memory) - 7 plus or minus 2 items can be stored in short term memory at one time.
c) The Duration of short-term memory -
d) The capacity of long term memory -
LTM (long term memory) - Capacity for long term memory, as well as duration, is thought to be infinite.
e) The duration of long term memory -
LTM (long term memory) - Duration of information held in long term memory is thought to be infinite, but you can often only keep accessing it if you frequently retrieve it, this will strengthen the connection to it. Long term memory holds primarily semantic memories (memory based on meaning).
f) Role of attention in memory -
Attention is what helps us store or 'remember' the information. It would be useless to remember all sensory information we receive so we only process and register the sensory input we are focused on.
g) Role of rehearsal in memory -
This is what moves information from STM to LTM, as the more we rehearse it the more meaning it will have.
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