Psychology 9-1 GCSE - 

6.1.3 - Understand the effects of punishments on recidivism, including strengths and weaknesses of each punishment:

Recidivism - 

The tendency of a criminal to re-offend.

Prison - 

The use of prisons to control crime has increased in frequency in the last decade. Most recently, mandatory minimum sentencing policies have gained widespread popularity throughout the united states, severely limiting judicial discretion in sentencing. The rationale for minimum sentencing is it will be a deterrent to criminals to re-offend.

Strengths -
  • The unpleasant environment makes them not want to go back.
  • Negative social stigma with being an ex con.
  • All the while they're in there they can't re-offend
Weaknesses - 
  • Negative environment can cause re-offence.
  • Adverse effect on low risk offenders.
  • Psychological deep freeze effect where it has little to no effect.

Community Sentencing - 

Strengths - 
  • Can stop offenders recommitting because of their ex con status.
  • Smaller incarceration rate.
  • Doesn't have the psychological trauma that prison has.

Weaknesses - 
  • They could easily recommit.
  • Not harsh enough to be learnt from in some cases.

Restorative Justice - 

Strengths -
  • Helps the criminal understand what they did wrong.
  • Transition back into society easier.
  • Less pressure to recommit.
  • Encouragement to become better.

Weaknesses -
  • Victims might not want to help.
  • Could be a waste of time and resources.
  • They can take advantage of the help given.
