Psychology 9-1 GCSE -
6.1.1 - Understand learning theories as an explanation of
criminality, including strengths and weaknesses of each
Operant Conditioning (Skinner, 1948) -
a) Positive Reinforcement -
This strengthens behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. He used a rat in a box to prove this with a lever that released food.
b) Negative Reinforcement -
The removal of an unpleasant reinforce can also strengthen behavior. This is known as negative reinforcement because it is the removal of adverse stimulus.
c) Positive Punishment -
Positive punishment removes a positive reinforce to weaken a response.
d) Negative Punishment -
This is applying an unpleasant stimulus to weaken a response.
e) Primary Reinforcers -
There is no learning necessary for these to be reinforcing. These are things like eating, sleeping etc.
f) Secondary Reinforcers -
This is known as conditioned reinforcement. This refers to a situation where in stimulus reinforces behavior after being previously associated with a primary reinforcer.
Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977) -
g) Role Models -
A person or people who knowingly or unknowingly inspires others to imitate their persona. A role model may be a real person, such as a parent, or fictional.
h) Modelling -
Modelling is a form of learning where individuals ascertain how to act or perform by observing another individual.
i) Identification -
As children develop there comes a time where the child must adopt the characteristics of one of their parents. The child usually associates with the same sex parents.
j) Observational Learning -
Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways. Such as learning how to tie a shoe by watching someone else do it.
k) Vicarious Reinforcement -
It refers to the process of learning behaviors through observation of reward and punishment, rather than through direct experience.
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